Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Near And Dear Search Term

 If you are a SEO marketer, business owner or consumer, or perhaps all 3, are you aware of the common use search terms that are used by your consumers or yourself? If so have you ever wondered what motivates the use of common terms? If so you may be trying to incorporate or "rank" for the commonly used terms so potential customers can find you and use your service. If you are not a business owner and just curious about what motivates your fellow humans, perhaps I can offer some insight into what drives people to type what they type into their browsers. I know this may be a deeper dive into a popular search term than you ever wanted to think about or even read.

As a side note to the business owner wanting to rank higher for popular terms this can be an effort that takes both time and money. However once the desired rank is acheived it will be worth it. But I digress . . .

A popular google search for any local service includes "near me" such as "sprinkler repair near me" or "plumber near me". One reason people use this search term is because we all want someone to help us that is from our community. We want a professional that knows the local area and how to get around town and maybe even a company that we have seen or heard of before. For example a "plumber near me" will know of local issues that can affect our plumbing or even be the cause of our problems. At the same time a local sprinkler repair company will know what the water pressure is in our area and make the correct adjustments to our system to be the most efficient for our needs. Also, we want someone that is not going to take forever to reach our home or place of business to provide our required service.

And honestly, deep down we all hope that using a local business will get us better service from someone that is our neighbor and peer. And maybe they went to the same school as us or their kids go to the same school as our kids. We hope that service from a local company will provide us more quality because we share common bonds that come from community than perhaps a company from out of town will provide.emergency plumbers

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